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I wearing jeans, was hanging KAZUE BAG diagonally

25 years ago.
Proceed east national highway No. 9, watch the Sea of ​​Japan on your left,
There is a small town where you can see Daisen on the right ... There is one shop there.
"Why is there a boutique in such a place?
People told me!
I am continuing this shop · · · I am unique ☺
My motto is,
I love Ryoma. The word he said to his wife. It is "U ~ MI". Her mouth rises, and she will smile.
I thought this was it!
I am pure, I do not know what will happen tomorrow.
I thought, it is important to spend my life with a smile
Since smiles are contagious, many people think that today was a fun day ~ and ♡
I am an optimist - I was sleeping. I saw it in my dream
She is wearing jeans and ponytail and bronze hair
She hung the kimono band bag diagonally and was walking
I can not forget that dream.
I thought of various things. And KAZUE BAG is finished.
I am grateful that I could have had such a wonderful time.
I could not do that bag alone. But many people cooperated. And it was completed.
I want many people to look at the bag.
I hope a lot of people will smile
Thank you very much.
Kazue Shimada

KAZUE Co.,Ltd.
Add  233-1, Mikuriya, Daisen-cho Saihaku-gun, Tottori, 689-3211, Japan
Tel +81-859-54-4843
Fax  +81-859-48-4188
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